Sunday, February 28, 2010

Red Light...Green Light

This weekend, we got the green light to go ahead and start packing! All paperwork has been signed, sealed, and delivered. So, that's what we did...we started packing! It is such a bittersweet time for us as Blake is super sentimental so he is thinking about the fact that this is our first house and that this is the house where our "babies were born", etc. My thinking is that we are going to miss having such wonderful neighbors right across the street from us. We are truly going to miss them!

In the midst of our packing frenzy, Brooke and I went to get a haircut with my longtime hairdresser, Mikey. This is only Brooke's 3rd haircut and she's almost 4!! She only got a couple of inches cut off as she LOVES having long hair! This was probably the highlight of our weekend.

Last week, my dad and I went to Costco and I bought Brooke the cutest Baby Lulu outfit. She has literally worn this outfit day and night for the past week. She even insisted on wearing it to chuch today! I really had to convince her that it needed to be washed because she wanted to put it back on after her bath tonight. You can't really see the outfit in the picture, but this is how happy she is when she is wearing it! Too funny!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Star Student of the Week

This week at Sonshine, Brooke is the Star Student of the Week! For this week, she is to bring a "All About Me" poster to share with the class on Tuesday (today) and on Thursday, she is to bring an item for 'Show and Tell' and a special snack of her choice.

Last night, I was up until 12:15 AM working on her poster! It was all worth it! This morning, the first thing Brooke said was, "Did you finish my poster?" and when she saw it she said, "It's beautiful!". Glad that I got that seal of approval! ;)

She was SO excited to go to school today! (Didn't even think twice about the snow flurries that we got!)

She told me to take a picture of her with her poster.

A close-up so Poppy and Juju can see themselves. :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Future Engineer???

Once a month, Grandma takes Brooke to the Colleyville Public Library for Lego Mania. They basically have this free event where they lay out thousands of legos on the floor and have the kids create their masterpieces in a one hour timeframe. Brooke has been 3 times, but it was the first time that she went that she created this amazing "work of art". Angela, the librarian was so amazed that she told me she thinks we might have an engineer on our hands, which was so interesting to me as she didn't even know that Brooke came from a family of engineers!!! How cool is that? Brooke even had her picture taken and posted on their "Lego Mania" board!

Here's a pic of our little EIT. (Engineer-In-Training)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's Valentine's Day, but we didn't really do anything out of the ordinary. Actually, we did...we had an Open House! The day started out like any other Sunday, we went to church. Afterwards, we grabbed a bite to eat and then Blake was off to Grandma's with the kids. I was asked by Julianne if I wanted to stay for the Open House and of course, me being the control freak that I am, said, "Yes!". I wanted to see what "kind" of people were going to be coming into our house. Originally, I was going to be introduced as the Homeowner, but I ended up acting as Julianne's "assistant". It was a little strange and especially so when our nosy neighbors showed up! Because the people in our neighborhood pretty much keep to themselves, I don't even know if they knew I was the actual homeowner. Anyway, for 2 hours, we had 3 families show up...pretty slow day. If we don't get any movement towards an actual offer this week, we will have ANOTHER Open House next Sunday.

Other than that, we pretty much enjoyed the remains of the record snow fall that we got on Thursday.

This is how Brody chose to enjoy the snow! haha!

Brooke LOVED it! She doesn't like her hands and feet to be wet from playing in the snow so I put plastic Walmart bags over her socks and her hands!

Can you find our car???

Oh! There it is!

Our circle drive.

And finally, hopefully, our new home!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

So what have we been up to?

Our house went on the market this past Saturday so beforehand, we had some minor "honey-dos" to take care of. Here is Blake, with his little helper, nailing back a cable to the wall. Isn't that so cute?

We woke up this morning to some crazy snow and it still hasn't stopped! Here is a picture of our house. You can see the realtor's sign in our front yard.

Brooke was so excited to recieve a special gift in the mail from Poppy and Juju fo Valentine's Day! She loves it! Thank you!

Since we got so much snow, I had to make a Target run today and buy her some rainboots! They sure did come in handy and kept her feet nice and dry. Still cold, but dry.

Here is the reason that we needed the she could play in the snow with her best friend Lyric!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Quick Weekend Wrap-Up

It has been a whirlwind of a weekend and I do have several pics to post, but I will try and upload them tomorrow.

Saturday, we had 5 showings! 4 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon which was a second showing. According to Julianne, there seems to be some interest, but nothing concrete to report.

Sunday, we went to church and then to Palio's again for lunch. After lunch, we took Brooke and Brody to our, what we hope to be, new home since they had never seen it. The carpet is now installed and except for a few minor touchups and the chipped porcelein tub, the house seems to be pretty complete. Again, we are trying REALLY hard not to get too excited about the house as it is so close, but yet so far away. (Not yet ours) On our way home, Brody fell asleep which was perfect. It allowed me time to slip away to visit Callie. I haven't seen her in awhile and was needing some girl time to chat and catch up. While I was there, Callie asked me to be a BRIDESMAID in her wedding! She is one of my best friends so of course I said yes! Her wedding is going to be on a boat, yacht as I like to say. It's going to be so much fun! So after going through some wedding planning with her, it was time to head on out to watch the SUPER BOWL!!! OMG!! What an awesome game! We all, (Linda, Geoff, Chloe and Noah included) headed over to our church for a spectacular Super Bowl Party! Boy, did the church go all out, with popcorn machines, cotton candy machines, pizza, nachos, drinks, and tons more! Plus, free childcare! We had so much fun!

Today, we had 1 showing from 12-2. No news on that one either.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice...

The kids and I had such a fun day today! It started out with a phone call from our dear neighbor Leslie who was bringing over some leftover food, from our dinner get-together at their house last night, and Lyric to play with Brooke. Brooke was SO excited! As soon as Lyric arrived, they immediately went to Brooke's room and started changing into the Cinderella and Dorothy costumes! We really need to get more princess costumes for them to wear! After that, they changed into PJ's for their slumber party and then back to playclothes. It was such a nice day, Leslie and I got all the kiddos together and we all went outside to ride bikes, play bubbles, and draw with sidewalk chalk. Later, we took the kids to the park!

The princesses were dancing!

Best Friends!

Blessing the meal! Isn't that sweet???

Enjoying a fun craft!

Outdoor fun!

Hot chocolate! Mmmmmm...good!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Big Sister, Little Brother

Today was a hard day! Between the cold and rainy weather to gathering all the necessary documents for our loan application, to being couped up in the house with 2 rambunctious toddlers, my stress level went through the roof! But amidst the madness and mayhem, there was a period of joy as I watched Brooke pretend she was "Mommy" and Brody was "Baby". I guess that's what big sisters do when they have a little brother and boy did Brody play along! He even called her "Mommy"! It was so funny to watch!

Brooke is acting like the nurturing mother. She is asking him if he is okay. He's sitting in a babydoll stroller! Notice how she even put a bow in his hair. haha!

I came walking in the playroom to find Brody in the babydoll pack 'n' play. He was pretending to go "night night". haha!

Finally, a horsey ride from big sister to top off all the fun!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Guess what we did this weekend?

We bought a house!...sort of...contingent upon the sale of our house that is. I don't want to talk too much about the new house until we get our current house sold. I don't want to get too excited in case it all just falls through. So this past weekend, we cleaned and cleaned and cleaned our current house and we still have a ton more to do!!! Julianne is putting the 'For Sale' sign in our yard tomorrow so it's official. Showings will begin on Friday. All we can do is pray that God will send the right buyer along to buy our house. The timing is pretty stringent as well, but again, God's timing is perfect so we will not stress...too much. Here is a sneak peek of the house.