Our house went on the market this past Saturday so beforehand, we had some minor "honey-dos" to take care of. Here is Blake, with his little helper, nailing back a cable to the wall. Isn't that so cute?

We woke up this morning to some crazy snow and it still hasn't stopped! Here is a picture of our house. You can see the realtor's sign in our front yard.

Brooke was so excited to recieve a special gift in the mail from Poppy and Juju fo Valentine's Day! She loves it! Thank you!

Since we got so much snow, I had to make a Target run today and buy her some rainboots! They sure did come in handy and kept her feet nice and dry. Still cold, but dry.

Here is the reason that we needed the rainboots...so she could play in the snow with her best friend Lyric!
We keep hearing how much snow Dallas has gotten. Guess Blake is home today. He said on the phone yesterday he didn't think he would go to work this mornng. I am glad as I bet it is dangerous out there. Brody and Blake are too cute. The kids are so darling playing in the snow. Love and Kisses, Really cold here this a.m.