Friday, February 5, 2010

Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice...

The kids and I had such a fun day today! It started out with a phone call from our dear neighbor Leslie who was bringing over some leftover food, from our dinner get-together at their house last night, and Lyric to play with Brooke. Brooke was SO excited! As soon as Lyric arrived, they immediately went to Brooke's room and started changing into the Cinderella and Dorothy costumes! We really need to get more princess costumes for them to wear! After that, they changed into PJ's for their slumber party and then back to playclothes. It was such a nice day, Leslie and I got all the kiddos together and we all went outside to ride bikes, play bubbles, and draw with sidewalk chalk. Later, we took the kids to the park!

The princesses were dancing!

Best Friends!

Blessing the meal! Isn't that sweet???

Enjoying a fun craft!

Outdoor fun!

Hot chocolate! Mmmmmm...good!


  1. It is so nice Brooke has someone to play with right across the street


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